Little Blue Marble 2018: More Stories of Our Changing Climate, edited by Katrina Archer
Little Blue Marble magazine’s year in stories: flash fiction, microfiction, and more! Get 18 great climate fiction short stories.
Tales of our changing world by these authors from around the globe:
F. J. Bergmann, Gustavo Bondoni, Wendy S. Delmater, Salvatore Difalco, Anthony W. Eichenlaub, Eric S. Fomley, John Cooper Hamilton, Langley Hyde, Charlotte H. Lee, Dennis Mombauer, Melanie Rees, Holly Schofield, D. A. Xiaolin Spires, Marie Vibbert, Thomas Webb, M. Darusha Wehm, Alison Wilgus, Melissa Yuan-Innes
From rising tides to edible homes, weather control and tornado killers, floating city-states and plant-based humans, Little Blue Marble 2018 brings you poignant, sometimes hopeful but often biting visions of our futures living with climate change.
Katrina Archer
Climate fiction, SFF, short stories, flash fiction
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